2005 N.Beltline Blvd. • Columbia, SC • 803-790-4888

Salon Hours

Tuesday10am - 6pm
Wednesday10am - 6pm
Thursday10am - 6pm
Friday10am - 6pm
Saturday10am - 2pm
Check under Janet's Bio page ( About us ) for Massage hours.

Massage Therapy

For a full list of massage choices, please look under menu and go to desserts by Janet


Cupping Therapy

Using negative pressure with the use of a suction device, a cup is placed on the skin where a vacuum is created to draw the skin and tissue into the cup. 

This will increase blood and lymphatic circulation, help to relax muscle tissue and draws stagnation, pathogenic factors and toxins out of the body. The pulling action loosens and lifts connective tissue in ways not possible using compression.

Cupping engages the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing a deep relaxation to move through the entire body. Clients may fall asleep during this treatment and can be surprised at how relaxing this treatment can be. Some may experience a light floaty sensation hours after treratment. 

Since there is no compression during this treatment," bruising" is a comomon misinterpretation of the discoloration that forms. Often stagnant fluids are dredged up. This is the therapeutcally desired effect, the more the discoloration is visible, the greater level of stagnation and toxicity is being purged from the body.This will fade over a few days.