2005 N.Beltline Blvd. • Columbia, SC • 803-790-4888

Salon Hours

Tuesday10am - 6pm
Wednesday10am - 6pm
Thursday10am - 6pm
Friday10am - 6pm
Saturday10am - 2pm
Check under Janet's Bio page ( About us ) for Massage hours.

Reflexology - Menu


Options available:

  • hand or foot reflexology - $50.00 (30 minutes)
  • hand or foot reflexology - $70.00 (60 minutes)
  • hand and foot reflexology - $95.00 (90 minutes)

Reflexology is the practice of applying appropriate pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. Pressure is applied to the feet based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body. This guided massage effects a physical change in the coordinating parts of the body.